a bit about Sophie


I started practicing yoga in Edinburgh whilst at university as an antidote to stressful coursework deadlines, I couldn't afford a full body massage to relive my aching shoulders but a tenner or so a week to attend my local studio was affordable! Ten years later I have moved house half a dozen times and tried a handful of different yoga styles from Iyengar to Astanga and I'm still practicing, I just love it.  

Following the birth of my son in 2014, I was no longer able to continue working as a cafe manager or doing freelance design work due to the long unsociable hours and high-stress workload.  In 2015 I finally decided to retrain doing something I love that can add balance to my work as a mother, pregnancy yoga!

I had a really difficult pregnancy but wonderful birthing experience at home with all my family around us.  I want to call on my experiences of pregnancy and mothering, good and bad, to empower others to have the experience they want.

Mothering is a succession of polar opposites: the most stressful, the most rewarding, the most exhausting, the most uplifting, the most frightening, the most exiting time... together we can help each other through these stages with asana (poses) pranayama (breath work) and nidra (relaxation) and of course tea and biscuits...!